Monday, April 5, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs

Coloring Easter Eggs
It is always a family tradition to color eggs, but because I am so tired lately we almost didn't do it. Andrew picked out the kit and bought the eggs. It was one of the funnest times we have had in a while. The kids loved it as you can see.
I had to take the eggs from Hailey, she thought it was so fun to throw an egg in a cup with dye. I think out of the 18 eggs, she did 10 herself!

The colors really worked great and came out bright and pretty.

There goes another one!

Such cute kids waiting for their turn.

The finished product. Something we will always do, even if sometimes we don't want too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hear ya! Sometimes traditions can be so exhausting. It's a good thing they are traditions, it's a reminder to have fun! Your kids are so cute. I can tell they bring you great joy!



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