Sunday, April 17, 2011

Adam's Helmet

One day he was hangin out in the bouncer and the next....
BAM we have a helmet!! I had been very concerned about the shape of Adam's head and asked our Dr. at his check ups what we should do about it. He told us to watch it, that in time it should start to round out. At 4 months I told him I wanted to do more. So we got an appt. at Primary Children's with a Plastic Surgeon and he came in, took one look and told us, he needed a helmet.
After going to Sheild's to get a fitting and scan, we had to wait for approval from the insurrance. In total from the first visit to the time he finally got it was about 6 weeks. Let me tell you, it was a rough first week.

We had to work into it slowly. The first day was on one hour off an hour, for the whole day. The second day: on two hours off one. Third: on 4 hrs. off one. And so on, by the 6th day he was up to wearing it 23 hrs a day with one Hr. off at which I would clean it by spraying it with alcohol and letting it air dry in the sun or in winter over the heater vent.
His main reason for it was because he was diagnosed with Torticollis. Which is his neck muscles are weaker on one side than the other and so he would favor the stronger side. Which caused Plagiocephaly, which is the flatting of the head. We had to do go see our friend who is a physical therapist and learn some exercises to do for his neck. Also had to change how he was lying in his crib and stretch when we could.
We got this awesome Bumbo that totally saved me so I could put it on everyday. He was too little to sit up yet and I needed him to stay put!! If you didn't get it on right, it would mess up his ears or cover his face, and I would have to do it again. We got pretty good and first shot.

And needless to say, he was not a fan. We (Adam and me) shed a lot of tears that first week.
But look how stinking cute he is in it!! We and I know He will forever be grateful for this special helmet to round out his head to become perfect. And I guess when you are the youngest of 6 kids, you are going to need one!

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