Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Best Gift.

Poor sick Hailey had to stay home with Grandma and Grandpa so the others could come see us at the hospital.
So many fun hugs and kisses to go around. First time they saw him was a sweet reward.
Big Brother Brian got to hold him first of course.
So sad to see Dr. Larkin retire. I was one of the last babies he delivered. We will miss him.
My Little Chubbers.
Baby Blue Eyes!! I sure hope he keeps them.
Grandma and Grandpa Jones and Aunt Richelle.
Proud Mom and Dad
Adam: Born on May 24, 2010
Weighting: 7 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 inchs. long.
Letting friends and family know we were going to have a baby.
I was not going to go home!!
On May 24th, Hailey woke up at 2:00 A.M. throwing up in her crib. She hadn't even acted like she wasn't feeling well so it was a shock at how much she threw up. I took her out to the kitchen to get her some fresh air and some medicine. Andrew came out to check on her and I told him that I thought I was in labor.

Needless to say Bishop Burton got a phone call from us and sent Amy right over. We got to the hospital around 2:30 A.M. and they checked me. I had just been to the doctor on Friday to find out my fluid was low and we were going to check it again on Monday. I had progressed since then and they watched the baby for an hour. At about 5:00 A.M. things were kinda slow so they told me I could walk for an hour or go home. Where they kidding, we went walking. Then things were great. I got an epidural, some ice chips and had rested for a minute. Andrew called to check on Hailey and bless her hear, she was sick. Amy had just gotten her out of the tub and woke up the kids to let them know we were at the hospital.

My mom, dad and Richelle came in a horrible snow storm and waited it out with us. At 7:00, Dr. Larkin came in to check on things, he broke my water and told us we should have a baby before lunch. My contractions were kinda close but not in pattern and some were strong some not. He came back in an hour later, and was surprised to see I was ready for a baby. At 9:00 A. M. Little Adam Kenneth Scott was born!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great having good friends and a wonderful family to support you?! Welcome Adam! Did I hear correctly...your not moving?



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